Practice Areas
- Veterans Disability Claims
- Social Security Disability (SSD)
- Social Security Disability – An Overview
- What Are Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Who Is Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits?
- Social Security Disability Claims Process
- The Decision And Appeal
- Frequently Asked Questions About Social Security Disability
- Social Security Disability Resource Links
- Personal Injury
- PACT Act: Updates to VA Benefits

Disability Benefits Claim Applications
Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits is the most straightforward part of the process. All you have to do is go to the Social Security Administration website and complete the online application. You may not even have to go to your local Social Security office.
Although you do not need a lawyer to apply for benefits, the team at McKown & Myers, LLP is always available to help. We are happy to answer questions and provide guidance. If your application is accepted, fantastic. If your application is denied, that is where our experience truly comes into play.
We assist with applications and claims of all types, including cases involving children’s disability benefits, younger worker claims and over age 50 claims. We have the skills and legal resources to help you secure the benefits you are entitled to. Contact our Indiana disability claims attorneys for a free consultation.
The Disability Determination Bureau
When you file your application, it goes to the Disability Determination Bureau. The bureau reviews your application and goes over all of your medical records. Based on that information, it decides whether your application will be accepted, and you will be granted Social Security benefits.
Unfortunately, even in cases involving well-prepared applications, the initial outcome tends to be a denial. In fact, about 70 percent of applications result in denied claims. Many applicants give up at this stage. You should not. You should talk to an experienced lawyer at our law firm.
Contact Our Experienced Attorneys Today
To discuss your specific legal needs with a lawyer at our Marion firm, call 765-668-7531 or contact us online.