Disabled And Unable To Get Your Benefits?

We Can Help. 765-668-7531

Neurological Disorders Covered By Social Security Disability

Living with a disability can be a serious challenge. Whether the problem is congenital or a result of an accident, a disability can keep a person from working, from being active and sometimes even in need of care. Assistance during those times is expensive. That is why there are social security disability benefits for those in need.

As we discussed in a post a few months ago, there are several types of disabilities that can qualify a person for disability benefits. The complete list can be found in what The Social Security Administration calls the blue book. Even if your issue is not in the blue book, you still may be eligible for benefits.

Among the most impactful disabilities people requesting benefits suffer from are neurological disorders. In this post we will identify a few of the most common, and most serious, neurological issues that can qualify an individual to receive social security disability benefits.

Neurological disabilities eligible for disability benefits

It is vital to remember that applying for benefits can be a complicated process and can also be very time intensive. One of the best ways you can advocate for yourself is to enlist the help of a legal professional. They will help ensure that the process goes smoothly.

According to The Social Security Administration, these common neurological disorders may allow an individual to draw disability benefits:

  • Epilepsy – Anyone regularly suffering generalized tonic-clonic seizures or dyscognitive seizures despite being on medication are likely eligible for disability. Limited motor functions, cognition and managing oneself are also factors.
  • Parkinsonian syndrome – Disorganized motor function in at least two extremities or serious limitation coupled with cloudy cognition, poor memory or difficulty moving may qualify an individual for benefits.
  • Cerebral palsy – An individual with cerebral palsy who has difficulty using two extremities, have difficulty managing themselves as a result of their disability or have difficulty speaking, hearing or seeing will most likely qualify for benefits.
  • Spinal cord disorder – A spinal injury or disorder resulting in loss of function, disorganized motor function of two extremities or severely limited mental faculties may qualify for social security disability benefits.
  • Traumatic brain injury – A TBI such as a concussion which results in disorganized motor function in at least two extremities for an extended period or which have a significant impact on cognitive abilities may make an individual applicable for benefits.

These 5 disorders are specifically cited by The Social Security Administration as disabilities eligible for benefits. There are several variables on how long a person must have lived with the disability and its severity, however, so be sure to review the blue book and consult with an attorney before applying.

If you or someone you care about has been living with, or has suddenly developed, one or more of these issues, speak to a professional right away. Benefits can mean the difference between simply getting by and living the life you want to live.
